The art of Oral Sex

Posted by Reymi Pimentel on

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Undoubtedly, oral sex is one of the practices we use most in the foreplay. It is nothing strange that both men and women enjoy giving it as much as receiving it (although everyone prefers the last one, haha), but it is not strange that sometimes it makes us a little uncomfortable or we do not end up satisfied. So, we ask ourselves, what can we do to satisfy our partner when giving oral sex? As in everything, communication is the key. It is important that you know what your partner likes and ask for constructive criticism to improve. Here I give you several tips so you can give and receive spectacular oral sex.


  • Maintain good hygiene. Although it seems a bit obvious, we all have heard stories of that time we arrived at the pleasure zone and found something totally unpleasant. It is very important that if you intend to be intimate with your partner, make sure that the area is impeccable. It doesn't matter if you prefer to keep your area shaved, with a little hair, or natural, the important thing is that it is always clean and free of bad odors. Let's be clear, nobody likes to eat in places where it smells bad.


  • Pay attention to your partner's body language. This is key when doing the sex dance and this includes oral sex. If you pay attention to your partner, you will notice if what you are doing causes pleasure or makes them yawn. If you see that what you do creates a positive response keep it and intensify it, if not, change your strategy urgently. Therefore, communication is important, your partner is the one who can best guide you to take them to their final destination, you will be like their Sexual Uber, haha.


  • Use products that help you make the process more bearable. You can use flavored lubricants that help you motivate yourself more, or temperature lubricants that help you intensify the sensations to bring you or your partner to climax faster.


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